lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

"Castle In The Desert"

Just another song I could write for the Meerkat King.

Have you seen there, the Knight of the Flower?
In the desert that he knows so well?
He still stands tall, as if facing the Sun
with his eyes that remind you the storm.

His hands may be strong as Oak-Trees
and with them he can build an empire...
And his heart is in fire
when he's ready for war,
but it's like spring in days of love.

If he raised his hand,
everyone was ready
to enjoy a rest, or fight for him...
So he gained his throne
through a thousand battles,
and his wisdom by reading the sand.

A great King of his land,
and Knight of the Flower,
the best diamond in his own big crown.
Have you seen that Lord
full of Meerkat wisdom?
Standing proud there, the Knight of his Rose?

As I use to do, the verses can go -in this case- with the music of this video:

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