miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008

"Special: Family Coat Of Arms / Birthdays"

Some but very important dates...
And the Family Coat of Arms, with the Queen and the King in it.

Monkulus (Maybelline…) Whiskers (VWF063)- Yr 2004


Flower Whiskers (VWF026)- Yr 2000


Badiel (Tosca…) Whiskers (VWF049)- Yr 2002


Mitch Whiskers (VWM074)- Yr 2004


Einstein Whiskers (VWM052)- Yr 2002
Mozart Whiskers (VWF053)- Yr 2002
Shakespeare Whiskers (VWM054)- Yr 2002


Super Furry Animal (Daisy…) Whiskers (VWF062)- Yr 2003

Zaphod Whiskers (VVM032)- Yr 1998
Youssarian Whiskers (VVM033)- Yr 1998

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

"Garden For Just One Flower"

If ever my words to you
seem coming to an end,
or simply loose their magic,
then the only thing I’ll find
will be that old ‘I love you’.

But what would be for you
the meaning of that word ?
A chain which would go
from your woman heart
to the center of the Earth.

The things that passed
through your enlightened mind
when you watched the sunrise.
Babies growing inside,
making your eyes shine
while your crown got brighter.

Yet if I hadn’t more words,
could I say the oldest ones ?
Though with different meanings,
you may accept them
through the crystal of your eyes.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

"Remembered Ones"

Here's Daisy Whiskers, Carrying Flowers To The Evening Party

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008

"Wildest Dreams"

Youssarian Whiskers, Now In Another Family,
And With The Chances To Be Their Leader

Go, Youssy, Never Give Up!!!