sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008

"Very, Very Special"

The proof that Christmas can be for everyone to celebrate !
Meer-ry, Meer-ry Christmas
From the Kalahari,
From every Heart / Burrow

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

"Castle In The Desert"

But maybe much more of us sent a thought to him...

The greatest King of the Kalahari.

"Wildest Dreams"

Last week, many all over the world thought in him...
The other King of the Desert.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

"Remembered Ones"

Happy Birthday, Kinkajou...
And never look back to your earthly life of unhappiness.
Now you have many rainbows at hand to play with!!!

"A New Hope"

In your birthday, little Queen, forget all the bad things
you found in your short but well lived life.
Don't worry, Rocket! Just fly like a kite and don't stop!

"Daisy's Relief And Happiness"

This week, she must be remembered for what she did...
And for what she wanted to do.
Now she can always see her dreams and desires come true.