miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

"Very Special - Khristmas"

Meerkats... They're the new
and brightest stars during Christmas!!!
They almost seem to have been born
to celebrate this date, or remind us to do it.
First, they save their best songs for that day...

Then they wait for the Three Meerkat Kings...

And, of course, they're ready to say thanks,
like a very little prayer in their hearts!

Siniqwenelela Ikrisimesi Emnandi Nonyaka
Omtsha Ozele Iintsikelelo
(Merry Christmas among Meerkats)

-It's in the language of the Bushmen-

amazon, gardenfeatures and bestmediablog

domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

"Widest Dreams"

Being also, of course, Youssarian's birthday,
I had to make this new entry
dedicated only for him.

In an endless quest,
Youssarian left his world behind.
Under sun or rain,
to find a place and be the King.
Youssarian, you must know
that some Kings can rule from afar.
And though you walk long miles
there's no place as big as your heart.

Your horizon grew,
before your eyes, beyond your steps.
But, still you went on
with restless soul and tired feet.
Youssarian, you must know
that miles are much smaller than life.
And though you were crowned by the Sun
you'd have wasted long years.

In your endless quest,
there should have been a resting place.
In dark nights or days,
there's just one place where you can live.

And again, as I like to do, I used the music of a song which would go very well with Youssarian and all what he was:


"Castle In The Desert"

For the King who reached his eleventh year
in the hard and so dangerous Kalahari.

Happy Birthday, Great King!!!

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

"Castle In The Desert"

Just another song I could write for the Meerkat King.

Have you seen there, the Knight of the Flower?
In the desert that he knows so well?
He still stands tall, as if facing the Sun
with his eyes that remind you the storm.

His hands may be strong as Oak-Trees
and with them he can build an empire...
And his heart is in fire
when he's ready for war,
but it's like spring in days of love.

If he raised his hand,
everyone was ready
to enjoy a rest, or fight for him...
So he gained his throne
through a thousand battles,
and his wisdom by reading the sand.

A great King of his land,
and Knight of the Flower,
the best diamond in his own big crown.
Have you seen that Lord
full of Meerkat wisdom?
Standing proud there, the Knight of his Rose?

As I use to do, the verses can go -in this case- with the music of this video:


domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

"Very Special"

Meerkats Coat Of Arms... 1st Quarter, with the Eagle (maybe their most lethal predator); 2nd quarter, with the Sun which they greet every morning as much as he greets them; third quarter, with the burrow they most love and need; and the 4th quarter, with one of their favorite snacks.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

"Mozart Relief And Happiness"

Oh, I almost forget this day... That little Princess was born in the first week of November along with other three Meerkats. Now this little song is for her; the music should be one of another song whose bottom line says "A circle complete... The graves of love" (I don't know the name).

Mozart, if you could be born again, what you would do?
Will all that sorrows be left behind, like traveled roads?
And if you can find that Knight always dreamed,
will all your children grow up without hate?

You had lived to suffer...
Those days are forever gone.

A great and ill fate always waited for you,
while arrows of sadness would follow your steps.
But nothing of that ever will reach your heart...
You'll come with a shield made of silver hope stars.

And when you're there, looking all the world around,
your children will make a tale of joy.

Mozart, if someday you live again under that Sun,
I hope he'll watch over you this time, between the sands.
And if a danger that comes from the sky
is going to take all you've gained by own right,
may even the Sun light
protect all your most loved ones.

And when you're there, in the place of Queen at last
that crown will make all your dreams come true.

domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

"Very Special"

22 July 2010 - Last updated at 17:48 GMT - BBC News

Unlocking Meerkats' alarm calls
A study has shed light on how certain alarm cries made by Meerkats are more effective than others at alerting the group to possible dangers.
Researchers from Switzerland and South Africa suggest "non-linearities" make the cries "unpredictable", distinguishing them from other calls.
However, it is uncertain how the Meerkats produce the "non-linear" vocal sounds, the team adds.
The findings appear in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters.
"You have normal calls, which in the paper we refer to as 'linear' calls", explained co-author Simon Townsend from the University of Zurich.
"However, from time to time -about 20% of these types of calls- you get this intrusion of complexity, which we call 'non-linear'".
He added that the difference between the two types of calls was very hard for humans to hear, but the Meerkats were able to distinguish between the two.

Uncertain origins

The researchers used recordings of a series of nine "medium-urgency aerial alarm calls", the sort that would be produced by a meerkat when it spotted a potential predator in the sky above.
Four of the nine recorded calls possessed non-linear properties, Dr Townsend explained. "We focused on eight different dominant males from eight different groups", he told BBC News.
Once the researchers had ensured the animals were not stressed, they began measuring responses to the recorded calls.
"What we found was that they always responded more strongly to the non-linear alarm calls", Dr Townsend recalled.
"Five of the eight males ran to a bolt hole straight away- the strongest behavioural response. The remaining three males also responded more strongly to the non-linear calls".
In the minute after the researchers played the non-linear recording, the animals also showed a reluctance to start foraging again.
Dr Townsend said the study did not focus on what caused the animals to produce these non-linear calls.
"This is something that we are not sure about at this stage; why some of these calls have the non-linearities and others don't is something we want to probe a little bit further", he said.
Previous research has suggested that animals spotting predators make non-linear calls because the stress causes irregular vibrations of the vocal cords.
However, Dr Townsend would like to carry out more research before his team could support or rule out that hypothesis.
"You'd expect these non-linearities to be there if the call signalled urgency, but they are not- they are only there in about 20% of these types of calls", he said.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

"Very, Very Special"

The Meerkat and the weird Cat:
Lion cub makes
an unlikely new best friend
Last updated at 12:41 PM on 18th September 2010

It could be straight out of Disney hit The Lion King but this Lion cub and meerkat cuddling up to each other is real. Meet the real-life Simba and Timon.
The loveable duo have been best chums since new-born Lioness Zinzi was rescued by being taken into the home of zoo and safari ranch owner Marcell Tournier, 33, after the mother rejected her.
Just like cartoon character Simba -the Lion cub hero of Disney classic The Lion King- young Zinzi was also separated from her family and incredibly formed and bond with a wandering Meerkat.
In another incredible real-life parallel, Meerkat Bob acts like the movie character Timon as a drifter. The cheeky critter only comes to Marcell's when he feels like it and enjoys free meals.

Pictures show how the pair were inseparable from the beginning and are still good pals today- despite rapidly-growing Zinzi, now six months old, now vastly out-sizing her cheeky chum.
And there's nothing they like better than Lion around together in South Africa's summer heat.
Marcell added: 'Bob seems to have a "Hakuna Matata" problem-free philosophy and taught Zinzi how to relax'.
Zinzi was brought in at just one day old when Marcell realised her mother was refusing to feed her- a harsh reality of nature that could have meant the end of adorable Zinzi.
But almost as soon as the Lion had moved in to the home, near Sun City, South Africa, Marcell quickly realised he wasn't Zinzi's only fan.
Lively two-year-old Meerkat instantly took a shine to his new playmate.
Amazingly Bob began following his much bigger friend day and night and would even snuggle in at nap time.

'Bob likes having anything cute and cuddly around,' said Marcell. 'If it'll lie down and cuddle him he will love it'. The pair quickly formed an unlikely friendship and were soon doing everything together.
Marcell said: 'They play together, eat together and drink together. Whatever Zinzi was having in those first few days and weeks Bob would have as well'.
Bob is a celebrity face around the zoo, with some visitors coming back five or six times to see him again and again.
'Meerkats can be very aggressive but he's really cool', said Marcell. 'He's got loads of friends around here who he goes and sees every day. He plays with the Hyenas and other animals and they don't mind him.
'He pretty much runs the whole farm', he joked.
Bob's runs the sprawling Predator World Zoo and Game Farm, which covers 1,000 hectares in the country's north-west.
It is home to over 36 species of animal including Leopards, Cheetahs, Hyenas, Snakes and Birds.

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

"Remembered Ones"

Continuing with my writings based partly in songs, I fortunately made this new one, dedicated to Mitch Wihskers, whose birthday was yesterday. In this case, the song would be "The fool on the hill".

Guardian Angel Meerkat

The Sun took height
born again from beyond
and in the morning quiet and cold,
there already he was.
Protecting his Mob from dangers
that only a good Watcher sees.
And the others could always trust him
for he was called Eagle-Eye Mitch.
Mitch, the Eyes of his Clan,
he was born to make them
never have any harm.

The Sun was high
as if burning the clouds,
and by the bushes standing proud
he was doing his job.
Like the best Guardian Angel Meerkat
he would never leave his place,
and the others were safe around him,
for his name was Eagle-Eye Mitch.
And he fought in his way,
for his people to stay
like a 'Kat Livingstone.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

“Tosca & Daisy Relief And Happiness”

Having seen that there wasn't almost anything about Tosca Whiskers, yesterday I wanted to write this for her, and with luck or help, I finished it today.

If we ever could cross our way,
I'd be there just to hear your words;
and you could tell of your life the whole day
like sad songs of ancient cords.

And if suddenly tears
start to fall from your eyes
I won't tell you 'no, don't cry',
'cause you'll know for yourself
that when big sorrows shine
they make all your sadness disappear.
So don't hold them,
they'll take all your sorrows away
and you'll have wings
that take you to Heavens of joy.

If you, little girl, could see me some day
just as you were born that time,
I would always let your little hands stay
like birds in the nest of mine.

Dear Tosca, your name will mean always so much
to millions of following friends;
and though you never enjoyed your crown,
you lived like a very true Queen.
So remember,
some crowns are for no one to see
while they shine there
like the Sun of the dawn in your head.

(The lyrics goes with this song by Enya):


And here, a picture of Tosca (or Baddiel) from the first days of this blog:

viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

"Garden Of Just One Flower"

Flower, A True And Great African Queen

After more than 7 days... I finally can bring here this picture.
I only hope that, just as I wrote about some entries,
it'll be a special way of honoring her.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

"Castle In The Desert"

(Short, but maybe not for so long).

I am very happy coming here to say that the great King of the Kalahari is still alive... If he lived already only a year over the average age for Meerkats, then anyway our King should be considered a very special person in his own environment. Even a Patriarch, or an Elder.

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

"Garden Of Just One Flower"

Link to a wonderful video which should have been in my last entry honoring Flower... The name of the song couldn't have been more well chosen, just like the song itself. And here it is now, the amazing video, showing a most beautiful little woman who became a great Queen.


Not mine, of course... Yet if I could make something like this, I would, as soon as possible.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

"Very Special"

After more than a month, I found this little information to update my Meerkats Blog, at last. This is a game made for all who watched Meerkat Manor, and now miss them so much... The show as much as the family starring MM.

In Lead the Meerkats you are a young Meerkat and you have a lot to accomplish. You have been separated from your pack and the time has come for you to form your own Meerkat pack. Are you ready for the challenge? Name your pack and its Meerkats. Dig burrow networks and enlarge your territory. Forage for food and grow your pack size. Stay on guard and be ready to make quick decisions. Run to the safety of the burrows or fight your enemies. Go head to head with a rival Meerkat pack. Lead your pack to victory and rule the Savanna. Lead the Meerkat is the first game to simulate the exciting life of Meerkats. Lead your pack and enjoy the company of these lively and endearing animals. Lead the Meerkats offers a fun gameplay experience for animal lovers of all ages.

You are a young Meerkat and you have a huge task ahead. You used to live a happy and peaceful life with your pack at the lush and green savanna but one stormy night everything changed. A rival Meerkat pack came from the desert and attacked your pack's burrows.You fleed in terror and got separated from the rest of your pack. In the darkness you stumbled to a river and got dragged under the water. Next morning you woke up from the riverside. You had drifted to the other side of the river where the land is dry and the living conditions are much harder. To survive on the dangerous savanna you must set up your own Meerkat pack.

Game takes place at the African Savanna. Game world is a part of Savanna that is surrounded by deserts and mountains. A river runs through the Savanna and divides it to two distinct parts. Western part is rocky and dry area. Eastern part is lush and green area. The game starts from the southernmost part of the dry side.

This is where your big quest is to be fulfilled...

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

"Very, Very Special"

Two scenes from a Zoo's enclosure in Lisbon,
of a very close encounter...

"I Need To Tell You Something..."

"You're Right... Thanks, I Won't Forget That"

sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010

"Garden For Just One Flower"

-Zazzle, Meerkats Wiki and KMP-

Flower was born on the 15th March in the year 2000. She was born in a group called the Whiskers, formed in 1998. Her mother was the dominant female of the Whiskers at that time, she was Holly, she was from the Young Ones origin. Her father was actually a roving male. He originated from a group called the Rascals. He was Kine. Her father was not the dominant male of the Whiskers, Argon. Flower's conception happened when Holly came into season after giving birth to her previous litter. Argon was not mate guarding her as intensively as dominant males normally always do. She mated with Kine and after seventy days (pregnancy for Meerkats), Flower was born. Flower was born in a litter of four pups. She was actually the smallest pup in the litter. She had three other litter-mates. These were her sister Petal, and her two brothers Thumper and Hazel. Her brother Thumper was the largest pup. Flower and her siblings were born during the time when the Whiskers numbered nineteen animals. Females included her mother Holly who was the dominant female for three years. Her older half sisters, Vialli, Zola, Aramis and Wahine. Her older cousins, Risca, Artemis and Aphrodite. Males included her step father Argon, his brother Delpheus, a wild male Beetle, her older half brothers Dennis Wise, Porthos, Athos, Rangi, Orgali, Tama. Her older cousins, Lancelot and Jean-Luc. Flower and her siblings spent their young lives under ground. The first of their family to meet was Risca (a yearling at that time) who curiously entered the birth chamber where Holly and the pups lay. Her mum Holly would go off foraging so her older female cousins or half sisters would often babysit Flower. When Flower reached the age of two weeks old, her cousin Lancelot was on babysitting duty when another group, the Lazuli first attacked the Whiskers burrow. The dominant female of the Lazuli, Ziziphus, almost killed Flower and her siblings but thanks to her cousin Lancelot who defended them, she survived. Flower reached the age of three weeks old and she was ready to emerge from the burrow for the first time.
Flower and her siblings were ready to head off foraging with the family at the age of four weeks old. The group foraged and at this age, all Flower had to do is beg for food. She was not expected to find her own food until the age of four months or more. She was brought food by the other Meerkats. The most generous of her elders was her half sister Vialli and cousin Risca. Her mother Holly, as the dominant female, didn't really contribute to bring food. As the they got older, Flower and her siblings went out foraging with the adults more often. As the Whiskers were moving fast, her sister Petal lagged behind. Petal calls reached her older half sister Vialli. Vialli went back for Petal until she heard the calls of another pup being lost: it was Flower. Vialli dropped Petal and went back for Flower. Once she got Flower and tried to return to Petal, Petal had already been in the talons of a Gosshawk. Vialli and Flower returned to the Whiskers. Although she lost her sister, at least she was safe. Flower and her brothers grew up more into juveniles. She did start finding food for herself and did not beg for food as much as she did as a pup. She started to take babysitting duties though she was still too young. She was about nine months old when her mother Holly gave birth to a new litter. That litter consisted of her younger sister Smithers.

Flower was an adult at the age of a year old. She now began to take babysitting duties and sentry duties. Eleven days after her the birth of her new younger siblings Smithers, Mr Burns and Montogomery, her mother Holly was taken by a Martial Eagle. Flower lost her mother on the 19th September 2000. Flower was still too young to take her mother's place as the dominant female, so her older cousin Risca took the position. The life for Flower and her brothers Thumper and Hazel did not change. Risca however was weak in terms of being able to control the breeding success of the other females. Most of the adult females mated with roving males. Her step father Argon and most of the males had left the group. Only Beetle stayed in the Whiskers and took the position of dominant male. Soon Beetle and some of the other males (including her brothers, Thumper and Hazel) left to go roving. A new group of eight
Vivian males joined the Whiskers. Izit
, one of the males, took the dominant male position in the Whiskers group. Risca still could not control the other females like a dominant female, like Holly, should and all above a year old (including Flower) mated with the new males. Risca, Vialli, Zola, Artemis, Aphrodite, Aramis and Wahine were all pregnant by the new males. Flower did not conceive. All the pregnant females, except her cousin Artemis, lost their litters to each other. Life in the Whiskers went. Some of the Whiskers males that left the group returned but were chased off by the Vivian males. That was the last interval where Flower saw her brothers Thumper and Hazel.
The Whiskers group dynamics were changing. Risca's grip on power weakened. She eventually lost dominance to Vialli. Risca, Wahine and most of the older subordinate females were evicted. Flower was now the second oldest female in the group. She and Vialli both mated with some of the new males. The former dominant Izit also lost his dominant position to his younger half brother
. Vialli often bullied Flower despite the fact that she cared for her as a pup. Both Flower and Vialli were pregnant. Flower was pregnant for the first time in her life. She was the first of the two to give birth, but Vialli killed her newborn pups as soon as they were born. Vialli then gave birth to her litter of seven pups.
Whiskers Queen
A few weeks after her pups started foraging, Vialli disappeared and was probably taken by a predator. Flower was the oldest female in the group and established her dominance over the other females (including her younger sister Smithers and her nieces
Ugly Pup, Mi Julie and Rydapuni
). She was now about two years old and for the first time in her life, she was the dominant female of the Whiskers. This was on the 7th February 2002.
Flower then began to take leadership of the group. Zaphod was still the dominant male and his relationship with Flower changed. When she was a subordinate female he had paid little attention towards her, but now being the dominant female, he seldom left her side. Vialli's pups made it to adulthood. Flower's breeding success was now increased as the dominant female. She was pregnant, but her nieces Mi Julie, Ugly Pup and her younger sister by nine months, Smithers, were also pregnant. Flower gave birth, but her litter was again, killed by another female, Mi Julie. Mi Julie gave birth but Smithers killed her litter. Smithers gave birth, but Ugly Pup killed her litter. Ugly Pup then had her litter which none of her pups made it to adulthood. Flower then began to evict some of her subordinate females. She evicted Smithers, Mi Julie, Ugly Pup and Rydapuni from the group. Flower conceived another litter again, and this time, there were no other pregnant subordinate females in the group which would threaten her pups' survival. That was when she gave birth to her very first surviving litter of three pups, Tosca, Stato and Skinner this was on the 18 / 08 / 2002. All her litter survived. This litter was fathered by Zaphod. After producing two litters, Flower came back into season and mated with a roving male from the
Gattaca called Mr. Wendell Gattaca and gave birth to three pups. She produced litter after litter. As the dominant female, Flower had the right to breed exclusively for herself and would not allow any of her daughters to breed. Her two daughters Mozart and Baddiel both had litters of pups, but Flower allowed them to live. She did however attack and evict Mozart and Tosca from the Whiskers family. She then led a burrow move which forced her daughter Super Furry Animal (Daisy on Meerkat Manor) to abandon her pups and stay with her family. When the Whiskers split into two due to their large numbers (because Flower allowed Tosca and Mozart's litters to live), she led half of the family while her evicted daughter Tosca had enough nerve to return and take leadership of the splinter group. Soon the Whiskers were re-united. Flower was very furious with Tosca and banished her from the Whiskers for good. Flower was also a caring mother having produced over forty seven pups. Flower's breeding parner changed when Zaphod lost dominance to his litter-mate brother Yossarian
, who became Flower's mate and fathered two of her litters before Zaphod deposed him. Flower ruled the Whiskers for five years.
Flower gave birth to her first litter on August 18, 2002 to
Baddiel, Stato and Skinner
. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her second litter on November 8, 2002 to Einstein,
Mozart, Shakespeare and Freud
. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her third litter on January 24, 2003 to
Cookie, Pookie
and Sookie. The litter was fathered by Mr. Wendell.
Flower gave birth to her fourth litter on December 6, 2003 to
Kinkajou, Rocket Dog, Ragga Muffin and Super Furry Animal
. The litter was fathered by Yossarian.
Flower gave birth to her fifth litter on February 22, 2004 to
Monkulus, Armanita Ditch, Pozzo, Lucky and Zarathustra
. The litter was fathered by Yossarian.
Flower gave birth to her sixth litter on September 6, 2004 to
Hawkeye, Logan, Mitch and Cruise
. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her seventh litter on December 6, 2004 to
Petra, Machu Pichu, Ningaloo and Popkat
. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her eighth litter on February 22, 2005 to
Kim, Flo and Finn
. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her ninth litter on August 26, 2005 to
Billy, Miles, Ella and Baker
. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her tenth litter on November 11, 2005 to
Bananas, Butch Cassidy, Sundance, Alonzo Mourning and Orinoco
. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her eleventh litter on January 29, 2006 to Panthro, Cheetara and Wiley Kat. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her twelfth litter on September 2, 2006 to Suggs, Izzy and Busta. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her thirteenth litter on November 20, 2006 to VWM112 and VWM113 (Names unknown, it seems...). The litter was fathered by Zaphod.

Flower had been in charge of the Whiskers family for five years. She was about seven years old. The Whiskers were returning from the days forage and Flower and the group came across a Cape Cobra near the babysitting burrow. The Whiskers managed to see it off but could not drive it away. The Cobra made its way into the Whiskers burrow. The Whiskers tried to mob it but without succession. Flower took it in herself went down below ground to confront the deadly intruder. She was given a fatal bit to the head. Her head swelled up from the venom bumping in her body to her head. Flower was weak and could not forage or join the others. She laid still near the burrow entrance until her last breath faded away. Flower sadly died. This was on the 16th January 2007.

In this way, I tried to honor the big Queen
and Mother Flower Whiskers...
I'm not sure, of course, of having succeeded in that.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

"Very, Very Special"

After so much time, I'd really like to make an entry made by me... Anyway now there goes this post, which shows -and promotes- a better life for the Meerkats who have lived in their desert for much more than 10000 years, and have the right to stay without being harmed in any way, just because of our big progress.


This video, you will see soon, was made by Animal Planet.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

"Castle In The Desert"

The King With Darwin

The Good Watcher

With Monkulus Pregnant

Thanks, always, to Kalahari Meerkat Project