sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008

"Very, Very Special"

The proof that Christmas can be for everyone to celebrate !
Meer-ry, Meer-ry Christmas
From the Kalahari,
From every Heart / Burrow

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

"Castle In The Desert"

But maybe much more of us sent a thought to him...

The greatest King of the Kalahari.

"Wildest Dreams"

Last week, many all over the world thought in him...
The other King of the Desert.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

"Remembered Ones"

Happy Birthday, Kinkajou...
And never look back to your earthly life of unhappiness.
Now you have many rainbows at hand to play with!!!

"A New Hope"

In your birthday, little Queen, forget all the bad things
you found in your short but well lived life.
Don't worry, Rocket! Just fly like a kite and don't stop!

"Daisy's Relief And Happiness"

This week, she must be remembered for what she did...
And for what she wanted to do.
Now she can always see her dreams and desires come true.

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008

"Special: The Family"

Happy life, of some very happy creatures

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008

"Garden For Just One Flower"

So Brave, when she had to lead their battles as if she
was going to fight alone ;
so Queen, for all she gave and asked of her ones ;
so Woman, everytime her heart told her
what was the best thing to do ;
and so Mother, when she decided what was good for everyone,
or to take care of other's babies.

"Garden For Just One Flower"

And for countless years no one will be able to doubt it.

"Remembered Ones"

...Only wanting to improve her status in that harsh land.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

"A New Hope"

...And There She Knew How To Continue
With The Reign That Her Mother Left Behind

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

"Garden For Just One Flower"

Your Ten Gems Of Virtue, Flower

Your name must have been created
To reunite in just one word
The most perfect gems of virtue
Not yet found in any treasure.

So beautiful and so woman,
To shine like a hundred stars
All day long, and so, keep showing
Everyone, which way to choose.

Very fearsome, much more loving,
Only to make the world see
How much tenderness had your heart...
How an Amazoness should be.

So righteous and compassive,
That very few of us would match you,
And Buddah Himself would watch
In amazement, what you did.

So strong and always so wise,
To defend what you called yours;
Or conquering nearby Kingdoms
While your heart already knew them.

So Queen and Mother of all
Who found shelter in your heart...
And now still remember you,
Or wish to hold you some day.

"Mozart's Relief And Happiness"

...And The More She Suffered Big Sorrow,
The More Her Heart Fought For The Love
She Wanted To Give And Receive

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

"Widest Dreams"

...And Only Him Was Able To Follow That Bright Stars

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008

"Remembered Ones"

Not much more to say... He always fought for his family
and maybe even his death was a victory

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

"Garden For Just One Flower"

No matter how many things
must start or end, my Flower...
No matter how many days
can bring the night to us.

As long as there's a Rose
blossoming in fire;
or a Meerkat's born
bringing in the future...

Your memory will stay
even though mine fades
or becomes the thin air.

Your story will be
in minds, souls and hearts,
treasured and remembered.

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008

"Castle In The Desert"

...And He Will Always Want To Rejoin
The Love Of His Life,
Queen Of His Heart,
And Heaven For His Soul.

domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

"A New Hope"

She was indeed a sign of hope for the Whiskers group...
She passed away during the filmation of Meerkat Manor
4th Season, victim of a car.


martes, 24 de junio de 2008

"Inside The Burrow"

The babies just got out from their Burrow...
Flower, Mozart & Daisy watch over them all.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

“Mozart’s Relief And Happiness”

While The Queen Was Keeping Her Reign,
She Always Tried To Follow Her Heart.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

"Garden For Just One Flower"

Here Comes Her Own Movie... And This Picture
Should Say It All About Her

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008

"Wildest Dreams"

Well... Here's what Youssarian seems to have been dreaming
in many long, cold desert nights.
Hooray for his illusions!!!

martes, 18 de marzo de 2008

"Castle In The Desert"

The new Zaphod, going under the sadness of the Moon, and the dream of his Rose

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008

"Following Flower's Steps"

Maybelline, shining before the world,
and sure of herself;
ready to subdue anyone who dares
to try defeating her.

Go on, girl !!!

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008

"Garden For Just One Flower"

The Queen, Like Being Born Again,
And Watching Her Old Homeland
Beyond The Rainbow

Rest, Eternal Queen; Undying, Incredible Excellence;

So Caring And Tough; Intelligent, Noble Person;

And Courageous Enemy.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

"Special: Family Tree"

Well, this is their complete family tree, just as you could see it in a post in Animal Planet Latino. If you don't see the picture very well, simply open the pic by clicking over it.

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008

"Special: Family Coat Of Arms / Birthdays"

Some but very important dates...
And the Family Coat of Arms, with the Queen and the King in it.

Monkulus (Maybelline…) Whiskers (VWF063)- Yr 2004


Flower Whiskers (VWF026)- Yr 2000


Badiel (Tosca…) Whiskers (VWF049)- Yr 2002


Mitch Whiskers (VWM074)- Yr 2004


Einstein Whiskers (VWM052)- Yr 2002
Mozart Whiskers (VWF053)- Yr 2002
Shakespeare Whiskers (VWM054)- Yr 2002


Super Furry Animal (Daisy…) Whiskers (VWF062)- Yr 2003

Zaphod Whiskers (VVM032)- Yr 1998
Youssarian Whiskers (VVM033)- Yr 1998

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

"Garden For Just One Flower"

If ever my words to you
seem coming to an end,
or simply loose their magic,
then the only thing I’ll find
will be that old ‘I love you’.

But what would be for you
the meaning of that word ?
A chain which would go
from your woman heart
to the center of the Earth.

The things that passed
through your enlightened mind
when you watched the sunrise.
Babies growing inside,
making your eyes shine
while your crown got brighter.

Yet if I hadn’t more words,
could I say the oldest ones ?
Though with different meanings,
you may accept them
through the crystal of your eyes.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

"Remembered Ones"

Here's Daisy Whiskers, Carrying Flowers To The Evening Party

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008

"Wildest Dreams"

Youssarian Whiskers, Now In Another Family,
And With The Chances To Be Their Leader

Go, Youssy, Never Give Up!!!

domingo, 27 de enero de 2008

"Garden Of Just One Flower"

It's been a year without you, Flower, and very few things seem so painful.

Since your first day on Earth, the brightest star must’ve shone above you, through a ceiling of sand… In a protected night close to mom.
Then, unknown Gods of Fate entered the Burrow while everyone was sleeping, and gave you the invisible but eternal tokens of a golden reign.
With three years old, you opened the door of your own road to glory on Earth.
Not feeling broken inside because of having been evicted, you never looked back to cry and -once more- that star glittered over you.
So your Reign would shine -as it did- from the very start, like some forgotten, or legendary, empire.
For four years, then, you grew endlessly inside, with all you did and through your children… You were a very righteous Queen, punishing with one hand and forgiving with the other.
That’s what your children learned for sure ; that’s the best possible legacy of taught, to be followed for any of us who want to call his or herself child of yours, without the smallest feeling of shame or absurdness.
Now you’re having a well deserved rest in Heaven, maybe the biggest treasure has had been your own life, flower of seven petals.

jueves, 24 de enero de 2008

"Remembered Ones"

The New Einstein...

...Playing With His Atom-Toy

"Remembered Ones"

Mitch.... Now The Foreseer

...Ready To Warn His New Family About Anything What Will Come

sábado, 19 de enero de 2008

"Following Flower's Steps"

The first video I found about one
who appears to be the true sucessor of the Kalahari Queen.


Have A Long Reign And A Longer Life!!!

martes, 15 de enero de 2008

"Remembered Ones"

The Legend Of "Eagle-Eye" Mitch

Maybe no one in central Texas will forget
what did a boy called "Eagle-Eye" Mitch,
or the reason for he always would have swore
laying determinedly both hands on the Bible,
for a Queen that no one had ever seen.

"There's no Chief -you could always hear him say-
or a great President for me in some state...
I'm on my own and fine, here in my desert
with nothing more to see that sands and sky,
and a Queen in my heart above them all".

Well, he lived for years in the most dry land ;
and he grew fat with tasty bugs and worms ;
but most of all, this boy called "Eagle-Eye" Mitch
caught all Rattlers and more Serpents of his land
with one hand, to take them far, far away.

He used to sit by sunset in a cactus,
to watch the first star, shining from above...
Then when night fell he'd make quick a new burrow
right where someone had a treasure hidden,
to let all the precious stones to the fresh of night.

Soon Coyotes, and Wolves, and Birds of prey
gave up all hope of find him low-guarded.
In day or night, with sun or rain, 'twas the same...
When the hunter doing his best just found his steps,
Mitch was safe and sound a hundred miles away.

But because of his eyes he left us someday...
The most impossible love finally got him,
and poor boy "Eagle-Eye" Mitch had the heart split
for a woman who shouldn't have matched her...
The only Queen to whom he wanted to love.

So he found himself in the crossroads of choice
between heart and loyalty, sorrow or dishonor...
And he took the road which lead to loneliness,
the kind of land where there can't be pain or grief,
and where he lived, with his lasting memories.

But maybe no one in central Texas will forget
what did a boy called "Eagle-Eye" Mitch,
or the reason for he always would have swore
laying determinedly both hands on the Bible,
for a Queen that no one had ever seen.

martes, 8 de enero de 2008

"Remembered Ones"

This is how I imagine Shakespeare in Heaven...
He discovers literature and loves it very much!!!