domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012

"A Very Special Night"

This special night, everyone in the Kalahari
only wanted to feel hugged by each other...
Even by whom doesn't have arms!

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

"Very Special - Unexpected Rescue"

Little story in four steps...
First, with two actors,
then a third,
who changes the ending
and gains a big "Thank you"
through an even bigger kiss.

domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

"Very Special: We Need New Friends, Too"

July 20... In Argentina,
The Day of Friendship.

But for the Meerkats,
another day of inspiration
to look for, -and find-
a very good new friend

"Now we must call
the other two...
A Lioness
and another Meerkat".

"I agree"

lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

"Castle In The Desert"

Sorry for the very long delay... There were problems about Blogger and I didn't know where to keep updating my work.

Now, to something much better: This song-like little poem goes -as I use to do- with the music of a song that I like so much. In this case, "Love is", by Jon and Vangelis.
If you want to follow it better, here's the URL:

And the verses are sung by Zaphod, right when he knows the final came to him but somehow knows that the Flower he loved so much will be there, waiting like she always did.

Flower, please hear
the fading voice of this King
going to find your open arms
and have at last the rest I need
that you alone can give...

Long time ago

it seems to me
since you're gone
to find beyond Earth
your way to Heaven.

Days of foraging

full of adventure
seem so forgotten
like our lost childhood,
but in our meeting
we will remember them.

We built a kingdom

strong as our marriage...
Now I can tell you
that our empire
didn't fade away
after you gave your life for us.

My loving Flower,

guide me to your heart
between the million stars...
Just then we'll conquer
some new world for us...
King and Queen, as one.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

"Very Special - Valentines Day"

Hear the soft voice of your heart this day
and you will feel surrounded by love bells...
Put in yourself a necklace of flowers,
picture yourself with a beautiful dress...
Yellow or white, or maybe of Springtime.

Voices go singing all around the World...
And as they try to reach every heart
like Hummingbirds do when looking for nectar,
eternal old dreams of love come to life...
Never ending since then, making us smile.

The Meerkats in love hunt will never waste time
in finding their twin soul and then sing this song...
"Nothing on Earth now can tear us apart...
Endings can be only to a new beginning,
for our spirits will watch the Sun rise every morning".

On the clouds, only the lovers see always
Roses at dawn and Violets at sunset...
Many a Meerkat gather to enjoy
endless love dances, newborn romances,
eternal bonds or love at first sight.

Rise with the Sun, in the arms of your sweetheart,
King, Queen or Princess, with full right to love...
And raise your hand only with a present
to make your love dream shine in big smiles...
Smiles for a moment, joy for each day.

(Edited today, 9 / 24)