-Zazzle, Meerkats Wiki and KMP-
Flower was born on the 15th March in the year 2000. She was born in a group called the Whiskers, formed in 1998. Her mother was the dominant female of the Whiskers at that time, she was Holly, she was from the Young Ones origin. Her father was actually a roving male. He originated from a group called the Rascals. He was Kine. Her father was not the dominant male of the Whiskers, Argon. Flower's conception happened when Holly came into season after giving birth to her previous litter. Argon was not mate guarding her as intensively as dominant males normally always do. She mated with Kine and after seventy days (pregnancy for Meerkats), Flower was born. Flower was born in a litter of four pups. She was actually the smallest pup in the litter. She had three other litter-mates. These were her sister Petal, and her two brothers Thumper and Hazel. Her brother Thumper was the largest pup. Flower and her siblings were born during the time when the Whiskers numbered nineteen animals. Females included her mother Holly who was the dominant female for three years. Her older half sisters, Vialli, Zola, Aramis and Wahine. Her older cousins, Risca, Artemis and Aphrodite. Males included her step father Argon, his brother Delpheus, a wild male Beetle, her older half brothers Dennis Wise, Porthos, Athos, Rangi, Orgali, Tama. Her older cousins, Lancelot and Jean-Luc. Flower and her siblings spent their young lives under ground. The first of their family to meet was Risca (a yearling at that time) who curiously entered the birth chamber where Holly and the pups lay. Her mum Holly would go off foraging so her older female cousins or half sisters would often babysit Flower. When Flower reached the age of two weeks old, her cousin Lancelot was on babysitting duty when another group, the Lazuli first attacked the Whiskers burrow. The dominant female of the Lazuli, Ziziphus, almost killed Flower and her siblings but thanks to her cousin Lancelot who defended them, she survived. Flower reached the age of three weeks old and she was ready to emerge from the burrow for the first time.
Flower and her siblings were ready to head off foraging with the family at the age of four weeks old. The group foraged and at this age, all Flower had to do is beg for food. She was not expected to find her own food until the age of four months or more. She was brought food by the other Meerkats. The most generous of her elders was her half sister Vialli and cousin Risca. Her mother Holly, as the dominant female, didn't really contribute to bring food. As the they got older, Flower and her siblings went out foraging with the adults more often. As the Whiskers were moving fast, her sister Petal lagged behind. Petal calls reached her older half sister Vialli. Vialli went back for Petal until she heard the calls of another pup being lost: it was Flower. Vialli dropped Petal and went back for Flower. Once she got Flower and tried to return to Petal, Petal had already been in the talons of a Gosshawk. Vialli and Flower returned to the Whiskers. Although she lost her sister, at least she was safe. Flower and her brothers grew up more into juveniles. She did start finding food for herself and did not beg for food as much as she did as a pup. She started to take babysitting duties though she was still too young. She was about nine months old when her mother Holly gave birth to a new litter. That litter consisted of her younger sister Smithers.
Flower was an adult at the age of a year old. She now began to take babysitting duties and sentry duties. Eleven days after her the birth of her new younger siblings Smithers, Mr Burns and Montogomery, her mother Holly was taken by a Martial Eagle. Flower lost her mother on the 19th September 2000. Flower was still too young to take her mother's place as the dominant female, so her older cousin Risca took the position. The life for Flower and her brothers Thumper and Hazel did not change. Risca however was weak in terms of being able to control the breeding success of the other females. Most of the adult females mated with roving males. Her step father Argon and most of the males had left the group. Only Beetle stayed in the Whiskers and took the position of dominant male. Soon Beetle and some of the other males (including her brothers, Thumper and Hazel) left to go roving. A new group of eight Vivian males joined the Whiskers. Izit, one of the males, took the dominant male position in the Whiskers group. Risca still could not control the other females like a dominant female, like Holly, should and all above a year old (including Flower) mated with the new males. Risca, Vialli, Zola, Artemis, Aphrodite, Aramis and Wahine were all pregnant by the new males. Flower did not conceive. All the pregnant females, except her cousin Artemis, lost their litters to each other. Life in the Whiskers went. Some of the Whiskers males that left the group returned but were chased off by the Vivian males. That was the last interval where Flower saw her brothers Thumper and Hazel.
The Whiskers group dynamics were changing. Risca's grip on power weakened. She eventually lost dominance to Vialli. Risca, Wahine and most of the older subordinate females were evicted. Flower was now the second oldest female in the group. She and Vialli both mated with some of the new males. The former dominant Izit also lost his dominant position to his younger half brother Zaphod. Vialli often bullied Flower despite the fact that she cared for her as a pup. Both Flower and Vialli were pregnant. Flower was pregnant for the first time in her life. She was the first of the two to give birth, but Vialli killed her newborn pups as soon as they were born. Vialli then gave birth to her litter of seven pups.
Whiskers Queen
A few weeks after her pups started foraging, Vialli disappeared and was probably taken by a predator. Flower was the oldest female in the group and established her dominance over the other females (including her younger sister Smithers and her nieces Ugly Pup, Mi Julie and Rydapuni). She was now about two years old and for the first time in her life, she was the dominant female of the Whiskers. This was on the 7th February 2002.
Flower then began to take leadership of the group. Zaphod was still the dominant male and his relationship with Flower changed. When she was a subordinate female he had paid little attention towards her, but now being the dominant female, he seldom left her side. Vialli's pups made it to adulthood. Flower's breeding success was now increased as the dominant female. She was pregnant, but her nieces Mi Julie, Ugly Pup and her younger sister by nine months, Smithers, were also pregnant. Flower gave birth, but her litter was again, killed by another female, Mi Julie. Mi Julie gave birth but Smithers killed her litter. Smithers gave birth, but Ugly Pup killed her litter. Ugly Pup then had her litter which none of her pups made it to adulthood. Flower then began to evict some of her subordinate females. She evicted Smithers, Mi Julie, Ugly Pup and Rydapuni from the group. Flower conceived another litter again, and this time, there were no other pregnant subordinate females in the group which would threaten her pups' survival. That was when she gave birth to her very first surviving litter of three pups, Tosca, Stato and Skinner this was on the 18 / 08 / 2002. All her litter survived. This litter was fathered by Zaphod. After producing two litters, Flower came back into season and mated with a roving male from the Gattaca called Mr. Wendell Gattaca and gave birth to three pups. She produced litter after litter. As the dominant female, Flower had the right to breed exclusively for herself and would not allow any of her daughters to breed. Her two daughters Mozart and Baddiel both had litters of pups, but Flower allowed them to live. She did however attack and evict Mozart and Tosca from the Whiskers family. She then led a burrow move which forced her daughter Super Furry Animal (Daisy on Meerkat Manor) to abandon her pups and stay with her family. When the Whiskers split into two due to their large numbers (because Flower allowed Tosca and Mozart's litters to live), she led half of the family while her evicted daughter Tosca had enough nerve to return and take leadership of the splinter group. Soon the Whiskers were re-united. Flower was very furious with Tosca and banished her from the Whiskers for good. Flower was also a caring mother having produced over forty seven pups. Flower's breeding parner changed when Zaphod lost dominance to his litter-mate brother Yossarian, who became Flower's mate and fathered two of her litters before Zaphod deposed him. Flower ruled the Whiskers for five years.
Flower gave birth to her first litter on August 18, 2002 to Baddiel, Stato and Skinner. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her second litter on November 8, 2002 to Einstein, Mozart, Shakespeare and Freud. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her third litter on January 24, 2003 to Cookie, Pookie and Sookie. The litter was fathered by Mr. Wendell.
Flower gave birth to her fourth litter on December 6, 2003 to Kinkajou, Rocket Dog, Ragga Muffin and Super Furry Animal. The litter was fathered by Yossarian.
Flower gave birth to her fifth litter on February 22, 2004 to Monkulus, Armanita Ditch, Pozzo, Lucky and Zarathustra. The litter was fathered by Yossarian.
Flower gave birth to her sixth litter on September 6, 2004 to Hawkeye, Logan, Mitch and Cruise. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her seventh litter on December 6, 2004 to Petra, Machu Pichu, Ningaloo and Popkat. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her eighth litter on February 22, 2005 to Kim, Flo and Finn. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her ninth litter on August 26, 2005 to Billy, Miles, Ella and Baker. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her tenth litter on November 11, 2005 to Bananas, Butch Cassidy, Sundance, Alonzo Mourning and Orinoco. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her eleventh litter on January 29, 2006 to Panthro, Cheetara and Wiley Kat. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her twelfth litter on September 2, 2006 to Suggs, Izzy and Busta. The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower gave birth to her thirteenth litter on November 20, 2006 to VWM112 and VWM113 (Names unknown, it seems...). The litter was fathered by Zaphod.
Flower had been in charge of the Whiskers family for five years. She was about seven years old. The Whiskers were returning from the days forage and Flower and the group came across a Cape Cobra near the babysitting burrow. The Whiskers managed to see it off but could not drive it away. The Cobra made its way into the Whiskers burrow. The Whiskers tried to mob it but without succession. Flower took it in herself went down below ground to confront the deadly intruder. She was given a fatal bit to the head. Her head swelled up from the venom bumping in her body to her head. Flower was weak and could not forage or join the others. She laid still near the burrow entrance until her last breath faded away. Flower sadly died. This was on the 16th January 2007.
In this way, I tried to honor the big Queen
and Mother Flower Whiskers...
I'm not sure, of course, of having succeeded in that.